George Benz Aquatic Ecology Fellowship at Tennessee Aquarium
The Tennessee Aquarium is now taking applications for the George Benz Aquatic Ecology Fellowship.
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Georgia's Revised Wildlife Plan Approved and at Work
A statewide strategy to help conserve hundreds of Georgia animal and plant species has been revised and is being put into practice following federal approval.
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Global Change Monitoring Portal Released
A new Portal provides scientists and the general public with access to information about the existence and operation of programs that monitor the effects of global change processes, such as climate and land use change, on important air, land, and water resources.
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Global Vulnerability of Forests to Climate Change-Related Tree Mortality is Widely Underestimated
Forests worldwide are vulnerable to growing risks of drought- and heat-induced tree mortality and forest die-off because of a rapidly warming Earth, according to just-published research in the scientific journal Ecosphere. The paper is an invited “ESA Centennial Paper” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Ecological Society of America.
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Goats Help Restore Golden-Wing Warbler Habitat
While we could have gone in with a bush hog mower, we tried something new this year – goats, adorable and effective goats.
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Golden-winged Warbler Habitat Restoration Work in Charlotte, VT
While many migratory birds are spending warm sunny days in Central and South America, Vermont biologists are braving the cold to improve conditions for birds when they return from their wintering grounds to breed in Vermont.
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Gopher Tortoise Council Newsletter Summer 2019
In This Issue; Message From a Co-Chair; Announcements; Proposal Solicitations; Interview with a Herpetologist; In Appreciation of Dick Franz; Student Spotlight; Recent Research Citations; Education Corner; Georgia Joins in on Gopher Tortoise Day; Upland Snake Conservation Initiative Brochure.
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Conservation Newsletters
Gopher Tortoise Council Newsletter-The Tortoise Burrow
Gopher tortoises in Southern states deserve federal protections, groups say
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Gopher tortoises imperiled by loss of habitat largely caused by human development should be placed on the endangered species list in four southern states, environmental groups said Wednesday as they prepared to sue the federal government over the issue.
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News & Announcements
Gov. Deal Honors Three Companies as 2012 Forestry for Wildlife Partners
Gov. Nathan Deal recognized three corporate forest landowners today for their stewardship in land management and practices benefiting the state’s wildlife.
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Happy Birthday, National Wildlife Refuge System!
Hooray for America’s nature. One big reason it’s there to treasure: the National Wildlife Refuge System, the world’s premier network of public lands devoted to wildlife conservation. The Refuge System turns 113 on March 14.
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