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Human Dimensions Success Stories in Bird Conservation
The greater bird conservation community has identified a need for human dimensions success stories to be collected, organized, and shared with the community.
Located in News & Events
Video Igniting Inspiration for Women in Fire
If our use of fire for managing lands is to improve and expand in the United States, it will need to involve more women and diverse perspectives. Thanks to programs like Women-in-Fire Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges (WTREX), more women are participating in and leading controlled burns.
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia / Videos
In Cities Across the U.S., Americans Will Gain Improved Access to the Health Benefits of Nature thanks to New, Expanded Urban Partnerships
Over $2 million for groundbreaking U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-led partnerships to engage local communities, advance wildlife conservation, reach the next generation of conservation leaders
Located in News & Events
In Hot Water: Climate Change is Affecting North American Fish
Climate change is already affecting inland fish across North America -- including some fish that are popular with anglers. Scientists are seeing a variety of changes in how inland fish reproduce, grow and where they can live.
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IN Workshop - Native grasses in Prescribed Grazing Systems
Using Native Warm-Season Grasses in a Grazing System Participants will learn the latest research-supported methods for reliable native forage establishment and grazing management to maintain grass vigor and animal performance through the summer. This training is being presented by The Center for Native Grasslands Management and NBCI through a grant provided by Quail Forever and the Natural Resources Conservation Service in support of the Working Lands For Wildlife: Bobwhite in Grasslands project. Topics to be covered: Bobwhite basics, bobwhite habitat considerations in grazing lands Overview of native warm-season grass (NWSG) establishment Why use NWSG in your grazing system – animal performance and economics How to manage NWSG forages – maintaining vigor and productivity, impact on bobwhite and other grassland birds NWSG in complementary cool-season grass systems. Registration: No registration fee, but registration is required. Please RSVP to Lunch will be provided to participants.
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Video Incorporating the Benefits of Natural and Working Lands in Conservation Planning
Katie Warnell, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, gave this seminar March 22, 2022, as part of our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast.
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Webinars & Videos
Initiative Heals Rare Forest and Recovers Squirrel
Fortunately for the West Virginia northern flying squirrel and the Cheat Mountain salamander, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supported by a number of partners, through the Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI), in efforts to protect and restore historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of central Appalachia. The CASRI is a partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of protecting the remaining red spruce stands and restore red spruce ecosystems where they have disappeared.
Located in News & Events
Innovative Regional Conservation Partnership Program to Bring Resources to Private Lands in Critical Conservation Areas
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack launched the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), a public-private partnership designed to focus conservation efforts on the most critical watersheds and landscapes.
Located in News & Events
Integrating Cultural Resources into Regional Conservation Planning
A collaborative research project sponsored by the Appalachian LCC, the National Park Service, and Penn State University (PSU) is integrating cultural resources, such as historic bridges and Civil War Battlefields, into landscape conservation planning and design.
Located in News & Events
Interior Announces FY 2013 Climate Science Center Research Projects
In 2013 the Climate Science Centers are awarding nearly $7 million to universities and other partners for research as part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to reduce carbon pollution, move our economy toward clean energy sources and begin to prepare our communities for the impacts of climate change.
Located in News & Events