Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options
From the USDA Forest Service, comes a recently published guidebook for climate change adaptation in national forests. It provides a state-of-science summary of principles of adaptation, methods for vulnerability assessment, and tools and processes to facilitate the development of adaptation strategies and tactics. Distributed to all 176 national forest units, the guidebook is being used throughout the Forest Service and by other agencies to integrate climate change in sustainable resource management.
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General Resources Holdings
Restoration biologist Jess Jones receives Rachel Carson Award
Jess Jones, a restoration biologist in the College of Natural Resources and Environment, co-director of Virginia Tech’s Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center, and an integral part of the Appalachian LCC, received the Rachel Carson Award for Scientific Excellence from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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Restoration Effort Moving Forward with Land Acquisitions as Part of $21 Million Palmerton Zinc Natural Resource Damages Settlement
State and federal environmental officials announced today that two land purchases have been made to benefit the wildlife, people and landscape of the Kittatinny Ridge.
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Reviewing Existing Tools and Data on Hydrologic and Ecologic Flow Models
The Aquatic Ecological Flows project reviewed existing tools and gathered available data within the project area on hydrologic and ecological flow models that would be suitable to use for the region.
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Reviewing Studies of Caves and Subterranean Biodiversity
A status review of studies from the cave and karst classification and mapping research project examined an array of research regarding cave environments, cave/karst biodiversity, and previous techniques for mapping and modeling such ecosystems.
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Reviewing the Literature on Freshwater Classification Frameworks
A “Literature Review of Freshwater Classification Frameworks” by Principle Investigators at The Nature Conservancy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory reviewed aquatic and hydrological classifications and frameworks that have been developed at a variety of spatial scales and evaluates which could be applied for use by the Cooperative.
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RISA Program Federal Funding Opportunity
The NOAA Climate Program Office is pleased to announce that its Federal Funding Opportunity for the RISA program is now available at grants.gov.
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SARP Announces FY 2016 Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project Awards
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has approved National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) projects to receive USFWS-NFHP FY 2016 funding.
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SARP Celebrates Decade of Aquatic Habitat Conservation
A decade-long regional effort in the southeastern United States, led by the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP), to preserve globally significant aquatic species and the habitats they need to survive before they are lost forever have produced a sleuth of success stories.
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SARP Seeks Habitat Restoration Coordinator/Project Manager for Native Black Bass Initiative Program
The Habitat Restoration Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the NBBI Business Plan with a primary focus on habitat restoration to benefit shoal bass in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river basin.
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