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File 314-Brush Management: Quail (GA and SE example)
314- Brush Management Practice. This job sheet has been specifically modified for Northern Bobwhite in the Southeastern United States.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File 338-Prescribed Burning
338-Prescribed Burning. This job sheet has been modified for Bobwhite Quail management in the Southeastern United States. Caution: Prescribed burning should be conducted only by those who are trained and experienced in its use. The landowner is responsible for obtaining all permits and clearances as required by law.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File 645 Covey Headquarters Planning Job Sheet (MO example)
645 Quail Covey Headquarters Planning example from Missouri NRCS
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File chemical/x-pdb 647 Early Successional Habitat Management
674 Early Successional Habitat Management Job Sheet. This job sheet was modified for Bobwhite management in the Southeastern United States.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File 666-Forest Stand Improvement for Bobwhite Quail
666- Forest Stand Improvement. This job sheet has been modified specifically for the management of Bobwhite Quail and other early successional species in the Southeastern United States. • Follow state Best Management Practices (BMPs) for forestry and all applicable laws and regulations. Creating and maintaining open canopy pine savanna with the implementation of proper thinnings in combination with frequent prescribed fire and/or brush management (see job sheets for Prescribed Burning for Bobwhite Quail-338 and/or Brush Management for Bobwhite Quail-314) will provide the required conditions needed for a host of species dependent or favored by early successional habitat such as quail, deer, turkey, songbirds, small mammals, native grasses and wild flowers, pollinator insects and plants.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
Organization Alabama Cooperative Extension System
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System is the primary outreach and engagement organization for the land-grant mission of Alabama A&M University and Auburn University in cooperation with Tuskegee University.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File ECMAScript program Alabama Priority Area Shapefiles
Conservation priority area for Northern Bobwhite, part of the 2022-2026 Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership
Located in Information / / Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles / Southeast
Organization ECMAScript program Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
The Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division manages, protects, and enhances the freshwater fishing resources of Alabama including 47 reservoirs, 23 Alabama State Public Fishing Lakes, and 77,000 miles of perennial rivers, streams, and the Mobile Delta.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File ANCHOR: An Opportunity to Change Landscape Connectivity Networks and Conservation Delivery At-Scale in the U.S.
Abstract: Connectivity modeling has been a tool available to the conservation community since the 1980s that guides our responses to habitat fragmentation. While the sophistication of computer modeling continues to grow, on-the-ground delivery remains challenging and lacks urgency. We present an approach to scale up delivery and do so within effective timeframes. The approach, termed ANCHOR (Areawide Networks to Connect Habitat and Optimize Resiliency), is grounded in connectivity science but executed in a manner that is flexible, expandable, and measurable. ANCHOR goes beyond the traditional protected area focus for establishing connected biomes to maximize the contributions of existing public lands and expand private landowner participation. The approach is applied using an umbrella species to represent a faunal group and/or multiple taxa to deliver co-benefits of landscape connectivity. Public lands receive connectivity rankings that are then used to engage potential connectivity partners who commit land units and collectively monitor improvements in habitat quality and landscape resiliency. The ANCHOR approach can guide unprecedented participation across agencies and departments to create public lands networks, while private and corporate lands establish landscape connections. To illustrate the approach, we present an example of native grasslands conservation in the central and eastern U.S. and an emerging partnership with the Department of Defense.
Located in Anchor Resources
File Arkansas Priority Area Shapefiles
Arkansas, Northern Bobwhite Priority Area
Located in Information / / Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles / Southeast