Prescribed burning in wooded areas
John Weir from the Oklahoma State University explains the value of prescribed burning in oak forests -- and describes the differences in burning needs that exist between Eastern and Western Oklahoma.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
The Benefits of Opening Forest Canopies
Learn about the benefits of creating open canopy in oak forested areas -- for livestock, aesthetics, and wildlife -- with Dwayne Elmore from the Oklahoma State University Extension.
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The Long View: Sustaining Our Oak Forests
This working lands webinar will educate landowners and natural resource professionals on working lands conservation programs intended to benefit wildlife species and promote oak forest diversity.
In this webinar, we will take the “Long View” by looking back in time to gain historical grounding that will help us look forward and consider how our actions today can ensure we restore and sustain oak forests into the future.
This webinar has been approved for continuing education credits. Hosted by the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society and the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife program.
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Webinars & Videos
Webinar: Working with Landowners to Build Resilience Across the Landscape
This session identified strategies to connect with landowners.
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