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File chemical/x-mdl-rdfile 2015 Report Card
FY16 End of Year (2015-16) Report Card on the Work of the AppLCC to Advance its Goals and Objectives as Identified in the 2012-2017 5-Year Work Plan.
Located in Cooperative / Publications & Outreach
Project A Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Unifying state-based stream classifications into a single consistent system, principal investigators at The Nature Conservancy developed a hierarchical classification system and map for stream and river systems for the Appalachian LCC that represents the region’s natural flowing-water aquatic habitats. This river classification information is needed to develop and implement instream flow standards and management recommendations so that environmental flows can become integral to all water management decisions from the onset.
Located in Research
File Amphibians
Includes brief species/habitat information
Located in Data / Species & Habitat Association List
File App LCC Coal Fields
Depicts coal fields, coal types, and likely accessibility.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File App LCC Coal Fields
Depicts coal fields, coal types, and likely accessibility.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File App LCC Crop Biomass
Depicts estimate of Crop Biomass from 2008 by county.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File App LCC Crop Biomass
Depicts estimate of Crop Biomass from 2008 by county.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File application/x-iphone App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File application/x-iphone App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File application/x-iphone App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in Cooperative / / SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group / Maps & GIS Materials