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Appalachian LCC Activity Update to National Park Service
Coordinator Jean Brennan gave a webinar presentation on recent accomplishments and the future direction of the Appalachian LCC to the National Park Service (NPS) Natural Areas Team on October 18, 2012.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars / Theme: Work of the Appalachian LCC
Appalachian LCC Activity Update to National Park Service
Coordinator Jean Brennan gave a webinar presentation on recent accomplishments and the future direction of the Appalachian LCC to the National Park Service (NPS) Natural Areas Team on October 18, 2012.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013 / Annual Reporting
Appalachian LCC Conservation Priorities Science Needs Workshop - November 29th-30th, 2011
The workshop will assemble a group of researchers and managers from across the Appalachian region to identify the broad suite of decision-support tools and science information needs to address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
Appalachian LCC Funds Four Landscape-level Projects
The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is investing in conservation projects across the Appalachian region that will support the sustainable management of resources and develop tools and information for conservation delivery.
Located in News & Events
Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
The major goals and outcomes of this meeting include celebrating progress of the last year, agree upon priority resources or the process for deciding on priority resources within the Appalachian landscape, and approve project funding for 2015.
Located in News & Events / Events
AppLCC Riparian Restoration Tool for Climate Change Resiliency Webinar
Part of the Safeguarding Wildlife from Climate Change web series hosted by USFWS and National Wildlife Federation, this presentation will highlight an innovative riparian planting and restoration decision support tool, funded by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative that is now available to the conservation community.
Located in News & Events / Events
File C source code Aquatic
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to maintain native habitats and endemic aquatic species in their current locations or support these as they migrate with land use and climate changes in the future.
Located in Cooperative / / 2013 Science Needs Portfolio / PDF Thematic Areas
Video Aquatic Ecological Flows Project Update
This presentation from Dr. Todd Walter of Cornell University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Aquatic Ecological Flows project is providing a report assessing availability of hydrologic and ecological flow model(s) suitable for the region, a georeference assessment of available ecological data to inform the ecological flow model(s), the application of the model(s) to anticipate how altered flow regimes will affect critical conditions, and a report that forecasts changes in hydrology and associated predicted biological responses in relation to different water resource development scenarios for critical watersheds.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Project application/x-internet-signup Assessing Future Energy Development Across the Appalachians
Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachian LCC used models that combined data on energy development trends and identified where these may intersect with important natural resource and ecosystem services to give a more comprehensive picture of what potential energy development could look like in the Appalachians. Ultimately this information is intended to support dialogue and conservation on how to effectively avoid, minimize, and offset impacts from energy development to important natural areas and the valuable services they provide.
Located in Research
Become Part of the Appalachian LCC Network
Contribute to sustainable landscape-level conservation by joining and adding your information to the database!
Located in News & Events