FWS Northeast Regional Director Comments on National Academy of Sciences Review of LCCs
On December 3, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released their Review of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) conducted at the request of Congress.
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News & Events
Mid-Atlantic Highlands Action Program: Realizing the Legacy
The Chesapeake Bay Field Office Coastal Program has published a document entitled “Mid-Atlantic Highlands Action Program Realizing the Legacy” that highlights past accomplishments of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Mid-Atlantic Highlands Action Program (HAP).
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News & Events
The U.S. Global Change Research Program Wants to Hear From You
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) seeks public comment on the draft of its Climate Science Special Report (CSSR).
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News & Events
Final EPA/USGS Technical Report: Protecting Aquatic Life from Effects of Hydrologic Alteration
A new report provides scientific and technical information related to protection of aquatic life from effects of hydrologic alteration.
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News & Events
New Study Shows Americans’ Deep Appreciation for Nature, Barriers to Connection
The findings from an unprecedented national study of Americans’ relationship to nature reveal an alarming disconnection, but also widespread opportunities for reconnecting. The results are prompting nature conservation, environmental education, and outdoor recreation leaders to rethink how they work to connect people with nature.
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News & Events
“Report Card” to Assess Current Conditions, Ecological Health of Natural Resources in Tennessee River Basin
The Appalachian LCC is supporting researchers from the University of Maryland in developing an assessment of ecological health, or a “Report Card”, for the Tennessee River Basin.
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News & Events
Butler, Patricia
Coordinator, Climate Change Response Framework
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Expertise Search
Forestlands Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warblers
Combing through habitat literature and conducting two years of surveys for the presence of Golden-winged Warblers at forest stands, the AMJV and partners developed best management practices for providing breeding habitat for Golden-winged Warblers through timber harvesting.
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103 Report (review of over 100 planning documents from conservation & resource management agencies)
A summary review of over 100 key planning documents of the many conservation & resource management agencies/organizations across the Appalachian Region.
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SC Programmatic Alignment Work Group
Regional Programs and Initiatives
New York and Long Island Plan
The New York and Long Island Field Offices have developed a strategic plan for our future work. This plan provides the direction of our field offices’ work and allows us to clearly articulate to others what our goals are and why. Our plan was developed using the Strategic Habitat Conservation approach (SHC). The SHC approach is an adaptive management methodology with 4 identifiable phases – biological planning, conservation design, conservation implementation, and monitoring. You will see that our strategic plan reflects this process in its construction.
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SC Programmatic Alignment Work Group
Ecological Services Strategic Plans