Structural and Functional Loss in Restored Wetland Ecosystems
Wetlands, which include tropical mangroves and boreal
peatlands, are among the most valuable ecosystems in the
world because they provide critical ecosystem goods and
services, such as carbon storage, biodiversity conservation,
fish production, water purification, and erosion control. As
global change accelerates the loss of wetlands, attempts
are increasing to restore this fragile habitat and its
associated functioning. There has been no global evaluation,
however, of how effective such restoration efforts
have been. Here, we present a meta-analysis of the
biological structure (driven mostly by plant communities)
and biogeochemical functioning (driven primarily by the
storage of carbon in wetland soils) of 621 wetland sites.
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General Resources Holdings
The Audubon Climate Change Report at a Glance
A new Climate Change report by Audubon is a comprehensive, first-of-its kind study that predicts how climate change could affect the ranges of 588 North American birds.
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The U.S. Global Change Research Program Wants to Hear From You
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) seeks public comment on the draft of its Climate Science Special Report (CSSR).
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News & Events
USGS-NOAA: Climate Change Impacts to U.S. Coasts Threaten Public Health, Safety and Economy
According to a new technical report, the effects of climate change will continue to threaten the health and vitality of U.S. coastal communities' social, economic and natural systems.
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News & Events
Virginia Ecological Services Plan
The 2010-2014 Strategic Plan's purpose is to work as one group, crossing and blurring program boundaries, to determine statewide resource priorities and a strategic approach to addressing these priorities in our daily actions, resulting in a more focused effort on specific Service priorities that will offer the largest conservation benefit.
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SC Programmatic Alignment Work Group
Ecological Services Strategic Plans
West Virginia Ecological Services Plan
With the mission of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in mind the Service’s West Virginia Field Office (WVFO), Elkins, West Virginia, has developed a multi-year comprehensive strategic priority plan for West Virginia to be utilized in conjunction with the Service’s Washington and Region 5 offices’ guiding parameters articulated under the Vision, Conservation Principles and Priorities below. The WVFO has incorporated these parameters into our strategic priority plan, weaving our activities not only into these national and regional parameters but also into the Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) framework.
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SC Programmatic Alignment Work Group
Ecological Services Strategic Plans