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File ECMAScript program 2015 Steering Committee Notes
From Appalachian LCC meeting that took place July 14-15 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WVA.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File Troff document Appalachian LCC 2012 Annual Report
Landscape conservation is about bringing people, expertise, and resources together across a region to effectively respond to environmental challenges and attempt to create sustainable ecosystems. The Appalachian LCC has built a strong foundation to provide greater support toward landscape conservation that will achieve lasting benefit for the environment, wildlife, natural resources, and the people of the Appalachians. This report provides details of the organizational foundation of the AppLCC.
Located in Cooperative / / SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013 / Annual Reporting
File Troff document Appalachian LCC 2012 Annual Report
Landscape conservation is about bringing people, expertise, and resources together across a region to effectively respond to environmental challenges and attempt to create sustainable ecosystems. The Appalachian LCC has built a strong foundation to provide greater support toward landscape conservation that will achieve lasting benefit for the environment, wildlife, natural resources, and the people of the Appalachians.
Located in Cooperative / Publications & Outreach
File Troff document Appalachian LCC Budget Report
Report about Appalachian LCC budget, procurement policy, transparency, and conflict of interest.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File Appalachian LCC Communications Presentation
Overview of communications around the release of the energy assessment tool, riparian restoration tool, Tennessee River Basin partnership, and other LCC initiatives.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File Appalachian LCC Conservation Design: Phase 1
An overview of how this research developed a process of selecting priority resources by using LCC technical input to build a group of candidate priority resources and include them in a spatial modeling process to produce a draft landscape‐scale conservation design; identified additional priority resources to include in future iterations of the conservation design; and built and acquired datasets, derived data modeling strategies needed to achieve first two objectives.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File AppLCC Web Portal Redesign
New tab structure proposal.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File Budget and Project Accounting Summary
Documenting FY14 and FY15.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File Classification of Cave/Karst Resources across the Appalachians
This project assembled georeferenced data, identified key intermediate (classification) data,and developed supporting science products that depict and map karst habitats and biotic resources across the Appalachian LCC based on the most appropriate method of classification to facilitate landscape-level planning objectives and address conservation and management needs.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
File Octet Stream Executive Committee Agenda
For Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting that took place July 13-15, 2014.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting