Reviewing the Literature on Freshwater Classification Frameworks
A “Literature Review of Freshwater Classification Frameworks” by Principle Investigators at The Nature Conservancy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory reviewed aquatic and hydrological classifications and frameworks that have been developed at a variety of spatial scales and evaluates which could be applied for use by the Cooperative.
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Starr, Richard
Watershed and stream function-based assessment, stream restoration design, stream restoration monitoring, stream restoration implementation, and stream training
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Stream Classification System for the Appalachian LCC
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Funded Projects
Final Report: A Stream Classification for the Appalachian LCC
A classification system and map was developed for stream and river systems in the Appalachian LCC region, encompassing parts of 17 states. The product is intended to complement state-based stream classifications by unifying them into a single consistent system that represents the region’s natural flowing aquatic habitats. The results can be used to understand ecological flow relationships and inform conservation planning for aquatic biodiversity in the region.
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Funded Projects
Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Literature Review of Freshwater Classification Frameworks
Identifying aquatic ecosystems requires a classification of stream and lake features into recognizable categories. Although a number of nationally recognized terrestrial community classifications exist, currently there is no national or international standard for classifying aquatic communities or ecosystems. Despite the lack of a national aquatic community classification, aquatic ecosystem classifications and frameworks have been developed at a variety of spatial scales to reflect the distribution of aquatic biological communities. This report reviews these freshwater classification frameworks, providing detailed analysis and application examples of taxonomic, environmental, and hydrologic classifications in use within the Appalachian region.
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Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Q3 2013 Progress Report
Progress Report for 3rd Quarter, 2013
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Quarterly Reports Folder
Q3 2013 Reporting Materials and Comments
Literature Review of Freshwater Classification Frameworks
Identifying aquatic ecosystems requires a classification of stream and lake features into recognizable entities or categories. Although a number of nationally recognized terrestrial community classifications exist, the most accepted being the National Vegetation Classification System (Grossman et al. 1998), currently there is no national or international standard for classifying aquatic communities or ecosystems. Despite the lack of a national aquatic community classification, aquatic ecosystem classifications and frameworks have been developed at a variety of spatial scales. Their goal is often to reflect the distribution of aqutic biological communities. These assemblages recur across the landscape under similar habitat conditions and ecological processes (Higgins et al. 2005). The methods used to develop aquatic ecosystem classifications vary widely, as do the biotic and abiotic variables considered in the classifications. The classifications generally fall into two broad categories: 1) taxonomic or bio-ecosystem classifications and 2) environmental or geo-physical ecosystem classifications (Rowe and Barnes 1994); however some classifications combine aspects of both.
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Stream Classification