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File PDF document Full Proposal - A Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The goal of this project is to develop a hierarchical classification for stream and river systems within the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). This classification system will identify and consistently map ecologically similar types of rivers and streams using a flexible hierarchical set of geomorphic and hydrologic variables deemed appropriate for classification by the participating states and relevant to the spatial scale of management.
Located in LP Members / / Aquatic Habitat Stream Classification Team / Background Project and Member Information
File application/x-troff-ms Full Proposal - A Web-Based Tool for Riparian Restoration Prioritization to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) in Eastern U.S. Streams
The RPCCR is a web-based tool currently under development which is designed to allow managers to rapidly identify high-priority riparian restoration targets. The objective of this project is to complete development of the RPCCR, link it with the Appalachian LCC website, and integrate it with ongoing stream temperature monitoring and modeling efforts within the Northeast Climate Science Center (NECSC) and participating Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.
Located in LP Members / / Riparian Restoration Team / Background Project and Member Information
FY2015 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is seeking project proposals focused on conserving the habitats needed to support healthy and productive wild Brook Trout populations.
Located in News & Events
Video Happy Holidays from CFI
Just a short video from the Conservation Fisheries Inc. of some of the beautiful rivers and streams in this part of the world. You may recognize some of them! Happy Holidays from all of us at CFI.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Haywood Waterways Kids in the Creek
Kids in the Creek was created by the Tennessee Valley Authority and brought to Haywood County in 1997. The purpose is to expose 8th grade students to hands-on activities that raise awareness of the importance of clean water and the issues that could degrade water quality. The students rotate among four stations: the EnviroScape watershed model, water chemistry, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates. At the fish station, the students collect data for a classroom exercise that ties everything together.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Haywood Waterways Watershed Restoration 2015
A look into restoration efforts in Haywood County, NC from the Haywood Waterways Association.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Hidden Rivers - Preview
A short preview of Freshwaters Illustrated forthcoming film series on the vibrant yet little-known life of Southern Appalachian Rivers.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
File Literature Review of Freshwater Classification Frameworks
Identifying aquatic ecosystems requires a classification of stream and lake features into recognizable categories. Although a number of nationally recognized terrestrial community classifications exist, currently there is no national or international standard for classifying aquatic communities or ecosystems. Despite the lack of a national aquatic community classification, aquatic ecosystem classifications and frameworks have been developed at a variety of spatial scales to reflect the distribution of aquatic biological communities. This report reviews these freshwater classification frameworks, providing detailed analysis and application examples of taxonomic, environmental, and hydrologic classifications in use within the Appalachian region.
Located in Research / Funded Projects / Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
File Literature Review of Freshwater Classification Frameworks
Identifying aquatic ecosystems requires a classification of stream and lake features into recognizable entities or categories. Although a number of nationally recognized terrestrial community classifications exist, the most accepted being the National Vegetation Classification System (Grossman et al. 1998), currently there is no national or international standard for classifying aquatic communities or ecosystems. Despite the lack of a national aquatic community classification, aquatic ecosystem classifications and frameworks have been developed at a variety of spatial scales. Their goal is often to reflect the distribution of aqutic biological communities. These assemblages recur across the landscape under similar habitat conditions and ecological processes (Higgins et al. 2005). The methods used to develop aquatic ecosystem classifications vary widely, as do the biotic and abiotic variables considered in the classifications. The classifications generally fall into two broad categories: 1) taxonomic or bio-ecosystem classifications and 2) environmental or geo-physical ecosystem classifications (Rowe and Barnes 1994); however some classifications combine aspects of both.
Located in Research / Stream Classification
Video Mapping our Rivers in High Definition
A project video produced by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) for Trutta Consulting LLC High Definition Stream Survey (HDSS) of the Caney Fork River below Center Hill Dam. The project was supported by the Cumberland Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and TWRA. We also worked with TWRA fisheries sampling crew to video and GPS their trout surveys that were completed at the same time as the HDSS project. This allows us to see the conditions that the fish were captured and determine what areas of the river are best for trout at different flow conditions.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars