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Organization Troff document Tennessee River Gorge Trust
The Tennessee River Gorge Trust is the perfect example of what can happen when a small group of thoughtful citizens comes together to change their community for the better. The Trust was founded in 1981 —later incorporated in 1986 — as the result of a dinner party at Adele Hampton’s house on Elder Mountain. Chattanooga-area citizens gathered around her coffee table to discuss the worrisome development of the mountains bordering Chattanooga. Right there in the Hampton’s living room, Chattanoogans decided our mountains are worth protecting. Since then, the cooperation of landowners, TVA, the State of Tennessee and the local community has led the Trust to protect more than 17,000 of the 27,000 acres in the Gorge.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Project Octet Stream Barrens Topminnow , Barrier Construction for Invasive Gambusia
Reintroduction and management of a highly endemic and endangered species to the TN Barrens. Derived resources from this project include/will include data sets, general report, and news announcement.
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Project Bear Creek Mussel Recovery
Restoring mussel fauna
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Project Alabama Statewide Crayfish Survey
Stuart McGergor - Geologial Survey of Alabama
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Project Alabama Statewide Fish IBI
Developing IBI's for strategic watersheds statewide. Derived resources will include data sets, imagery, maps, videos, and general and technical reports.
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Project Alligator Snapping Turtle Surveys and Genetics - Lower TN and MS River
Dr. Josh Ennen, Aquatic Conservation Biologist, TN Aquarium Conservation Institute
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Project ECMAScript program Freshwaters Illustrated Video Series
Section 6 project with TWRA
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Presentation on Resources Available to the TRBN
Gillian Bee. Landscape Conservation Fellow. Clemson University/Appalachian LCC.
Located in Resources
Image chemical/x-pdb Mussel Infestation Outreach Event
Mussel outreach event in which children are assisting a biologist to release host fish that were recently infested with mussel larvae.
Located in Resources / TRB Images
Image chemical/x-pdb Mussel Outreach Event
Participants at a mussel outreach event where member of the public were able to observe mussels and their host fish.
Located in Resources / TRB Images