Conservation Fisheries Inc.
Conservation Fisheries is dedicated to the preservation of aquatic biodiversity in our streams and rivers. Over nearly 30 years we have developed techniques to propagate more than 65 nongame fish, including some of the most imperiled species in the southeastern United States. Our primary goal is to restore fish populations that have been eliminated because of pollution or habitat destruction.
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Obed Watershed Community Association
Obed Watershed Community Association (OWCA) is a Crossville, TN-based nonprofit with the mission to protect and enhance the watersheds of the Obed River and its tributaries within Cumberland County, TN through community education, creating opportunities for community research and service projects, and promoting conservation, recreation, and best management practices. It also supports activities in other nearby watersheds both within Cumberland County and surrounding counties.
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Tennessee River Gorge Trust
The Tennessee River Gorge Trust is the perfect example of what can happen when a small group of thoughtful citizens comes together to change their community for the better. The Trust was founded in 1981 —later incorporated in 1986 — as the result of a dinner party at Adele Hampton’s house on Elder Mountain. Chattanooga-area citizens gathered around her coffee table to discuss the worrisome development of the mountains bordering Chattanooga. Right there in the Hampton’s living room, Chattanoogans decided our mountains are worth protecting. Since then, the cooperation of landowners, TVA, the State of Tennessee and the local community has led the Trust to protect more than 17,000 of the 27,000 acres in the Gorge.
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Post-Meeting Report: 2017 Tennessee River Basin Network Meeting
August 15-16, 2017
Tennessee Aquarium, Chattanooga, TN
Post-Meeting Summary
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TRB Network Meeting Highlights
Mussel Infestation Outreach Event
Mussel outreach event in which children are assisting a biologist to release host fish that were recently infested with mussel larvae.
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TRB Images
Mussel Outreach Event
Participants at a mussel outreach event where member of the public were able to observe mussels and their host fish.
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TRB Images
Fact Sheet: Tennessee River Basin Network
The Tennessee River winds its way for roughly 650 miles through Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and back into Tennessee, before reaching Kentucky where it empties into the Ohio River. In total the Basin encompasses over 40,000 square miles, covering five major physiographic provinces: the Blue Ridge, the Valley and Ridge, the Appalachian Plateau, the Interior Low Plateaus, and the Coastal Plain. The extent of the Basin’s reach vast diversity of geography and geology in the region help to explain why the area harbors one of the most biologically diverse freshwater ecosystems in the world.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Conserving Carolina
Your support is powering some amazing conservation projects. With your help, Conserving Carolina is creating new parks, trails, and greenways. We’re protecting mountains, foothills, rivers, and farms—over 47,000 acres so far. We’re restoring woods, meadows, and wetlands. We’re engaging people in volunteer work, hikes, outings, field trips, speaker series, native plant gardening, and more.
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Haywood Waterways Association, Inc.
Haywood Waterways Association, Inc's mission is to maintain and improve surface water quality in the Pigeon River Watershed of Haywood County, North Carolina. They accomplish this through two objectives directed at reducing nonpoint source pollution: 1. Educating and focusing attention on the watershed as a natural, economic and recreational resource to be conserved and enhanced for this and future generations; and 2. Working with public agencies, conservation interests, businesses, community groups, and public and private land owners to implement water quality improvement strategies.
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Land Trust for Tennessee
For 20 years, The Land Trust for Tennessee has worked in partnership with landowners and communities across the state to protect land important to the people of Tennessee. From family farms and historic landscapes, to public parks and forests spanning thousands of acres, the work of The Land Trust has a lasting impact on people and places. We hope you will join us.
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