Kentucky Priority Area Shapefiles
Priority Areas for Northern Bobwhite Conservation
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Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles
Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
Our mission is to protect Kentucky's natural heritage by (1) identifying, acquiring and managing natural areas that represent the best known occurrences of rare native species, natural communities and significant natural features in a statewide nature preserve system; (2) working with others to protect biological diversity; and (3) educating Kentuckians as to the value and purpose of nature preserves and biodiversity conservation.
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Kittatinny Coalition
The Kittatinny Coalition, co-led by Audubon PA and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, is an alliance of organizations, agencies and academic institutions working together to conserve the natural, scenic, cultural, and aesthetic resources of the Kittatinny Ridge and Corridor.
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Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition
The Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition (KFSC) is a Montana-made partnership of recreationalists, business owners, timber mill operators and conservationists. Together, we are deeply invested in the future of the Kootenai National Forest (KNF).
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Kootenai Forests to Rivers Initiative
The Kootenai Forests to Rivers Initiative (KFRI) is a new partnership working to connect forest landowners, like you, with resources to help you manage your forest, to meet your priorities. Landowners in Lincoln County were surveyed to identify resources that are valuable to local forest owners. In response to survey findings, our partnership can provide you with informational materials and in-person help from local foresters that will determine if you’re eligible for funding to help your forest.
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La Veta Fire Protection District
The men and women of the La Veta Fire Protection District are willing put their lives on hold and in harm’s way to serve, educate, protect, and mitigate hazards for the community and the people they love. Each volunteer is dedicated to preparing for, training for, and responding to all hazards and medical emergencies that effect their community, striving to make a difference for the greater good, the people of the District, and the surrounding neighborhoods.
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Lakeview Stewardship Group
The Lakeview Stewardship Group has as its goal “a sustainable forest that will ensure quality of life for present and future generations.” It works to achieve that goal through the incorporation of restoration and community values in the management of the Lakeview Federal Stewardship Unit (LFSU).
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LANDFIRE office hour chats
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Fire Mapping
National Fire Mapping
LANDFIRE YouTube Channel
The LANDFIRE YouTube channel includes videos on topics including LANDFIRE applications and case studies, webinars, and tutorials.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-USDA Doubling Down On Growth Of NRCS Working Lands For Wildlife!
USDA Doubling Down on Growth of NRCS Working Lands For Wildlife!
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters