Black Urban Growers (BUGs)
Black Urban Growers (BUGs) is committed to building networks and community support for growers in both urban and rural settings. Through education and advocacy around food and farm issues, we nurture collective Black leadership to support Black agrarianism and reimagine Black futures. Based in New York City, BUGs reach is national through its annual conference.
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Black Family Land Trust
The Black Family Land Trust, Inc. (BFLT) incorporated in 2004 and based in North Carolina, is one of the nation’s only conservation land trust dedicated to the preservation and protection of African-American and other historically underserved landowners assets.
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Addressing Sedimentation Threats
Rivers and streams are the lifeblood of our environment, home to a stunning array of wildlife, from fish and amphibians to the aquatic insects that form the foundation of the food chain. However, these ecosystems are under growing threat from sedimentation and siltation. When excess soil and fine particles wash into waterways, they cloud the water, smother habitats, and disrupt the delicate balance that sustains aquatic life. The consequences ripple throughout the food chain, from the tiniest insects to the largest fish, threatening sensitive species like the Eastern hellbender and endangering fisheries.
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Cozying Up for Winter: The Bog Turtle’s Seasonal Slumber
While we sip hot cocoa, these remarkable reptiles tuck themselves away, waiting for the warmth of spring to awaken their vibrant world again.
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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 11 PF/QF’s Pollinator Habitat Program
Session 11 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Kim Cole, PF/QF’s Habitat Education Program Manager. This session focuses on resources for hosting pollinator events and is the second session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include Pollinator Habitat Outreach Program, Habitat Education Resources, and Milkweed in the Classroom.
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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 12 Maintaining Pollinator Habitat
Session 12 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Brittney Viers, PF/QF’s Tennessee State Coordinator. This session focuses on how to properly maintain pollinator habitat and is the last session in the pollinator series. Topics covered include the history of Southern Grasslands, designing adequate seed mixes, utilizing native seed banks, planting methods, and management techniques.
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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
FY21 WLFW-GWWA Project Boundary
Updated to include new priority areas in NY.
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Webinar: Applying to RCPP in 2024
Join the Rural Climate Partnership for a **free webinar on Wednesday, December 13th at 2pm ET** with Kari Cohen, former RCPP lead at USDA, who will guide NGO participants through RCPP application guidance to increase your likelihood of funding.
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Pollinator Partnership
Pollinator Partnership works with diverse stakeholders representing various perspectives with the goal of creating positive change for pollinators. We work with farmers, gardeners, land managers, scientists, and industry to develop tools and programs that help keep pollinators safe from pesticides, habitat loss, climate change, and other threats.
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Conserving Carolina
Your support is powering some amazing conservation projects. With your help, Conserving Carolina is creating new parks, trails, and greenways. We’re protecting mountains, foothills, rivers, and farms—over 47,000 acres so far. We’re restoring woods, meadows, and wetlands. We’re engaging people in volunteer work, hikes, outings, field trips, speaker series, native plant gardening, and more.
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