Canaan Valley Institute (CVI)
Canaan Valley Institute (CVI) is driven by a mission to ensure the Appalachian region has healthy streams — a critical economic engine for rural communities. CVI’s approach for clean and healthy rivers creates positive results environmentally AND economically.
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CEC Monarch and Pollinator Conservation
For over two decades The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) have supported the conservation of the Monarch butterfly along its migratory route, by promoting community projects, developing action plans and supporting collaborative efforts in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Building on this model, we are supporting regional collaboration for pollinator conservation.
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General Resources and Publications
Celebrating Bog Turtles During Wild Turtle Week
Wild Turtle Week gives us an opportunity to bring extra attention to turtles and our conservation efforts on their behalf.
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News & Webinars
Bog Turtle News
Center for Heirs' Property Preservation
The Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that protects heirs’ property and promotes its sustainable use to provide increased economic benefit to historically under-served families.
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Center for Native Grasslands Management
The Center for Native Grasslands Management provides a scientific background to producers and land managers, enabling them to effectively establish and manage native grasslands. The Center’s second major focus is to make findings from our research widely available throughout the eastern United States. We work through Extension and partner organizations to share these results with producers, land management agencies, other researchers, and wildlife conservation organizations through publications, workshops, trainings, and field days.
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Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI)
A partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of restoring historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of Central Appalachia. It is comprised of private, state, federal, and non-governmental organizations which recognize the importance of this ecosystem for its ecological, aesthetic, recreational, economic, and cultural values.
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Central Appalachians FLN Annual Workshop
More than 80 participants, representing 21 di erent organization and agency units, gathered in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia for the annual two-day workshop of the Central Appalachians Fire Learning Network (FLN).
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News & Events
Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
The Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV) is a partnership of state and federal government agencies and non-governmental organizations who work together to ensure the long-term viability of native bird populations. CHJV concentrates conservation efforts over an area comprising 75 million acres of rolling hills covered with hardwood forests interspersed with glades and woodlands and crisscrossed by deep river valleys. The area includes the Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Interior Lowland Plateaus. To protect native bird species throughout their ranges, the JV works with partners in Mexico and Canada in areas that these birds use for breeding or over-wintering.
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Chattanooga Zoo Announces Baby Hellbenders
The Chattanooga Zoo announces the successful hatching of a group of Hellbender eggs collected from the wild here in East Tennessee.
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Eastern Hellbender News
Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization Tool
This tool evaluates and prioritizes dams and other in-stream barriers to aquatic organism passage to help inform aquatic connectivity restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
Apps, Maps, & Data