Rickie White
Organization | |
State | North Carolina |
Title/Position | Ecologist |
Department | Science |
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US Eco Regions | Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian Forests |
Wildland Fires |
Terrestrial Plants - Commercial Terrestrial Plants - Rare or endemic Early successional forest Lowland/mesic forests Upland/mixed forest High altitude forest Grassland/shrub Disturbance-dependent communities (e.g., fire-dependent forests, etc.) Urban systems (natural systems within highly urbanized areas?) Agro ecosystems Parks and Recreation Terrestrial systems/resources (incl. geochemical, nutrients) Population biology and demographics (incl. biometrics/biostatistics) Geospatial (GIS) Remote sensing (LiDAR) Remote sensing and photo interpretation (cartography, etc.) Spatial Modeling (connectivity, reserve selection, landscape permeability) Data/information systems (design and management) Forest/natural cover management, restoration Open grassland and shrub/natural cover management, restoration Terrestrial Terrestrial Plant pest/pathogen/disease Cultural landscapes ESA (threatened and endangered species) Modeling (incl. Down-scale climate, Coupled, Niche-envelope modeling) Adaptation (management response and facilitation) Citizen Science (program management) Environmental education, interpretation, and educational outreach Appalachia (Cultural Communities) Rural Communities Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian ForestsDocument Actions