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Coastal and Marine

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Marine Bird Mapping and Assessment

Marine Bird Mapping and Assessment

This project is a collection of data, the download includes: the annual probability of observing one individual, the annual probability of encountering a large flock, and the monthly probability of observing one individual, for the full set of 24 marine bird species (in .csv format), and the associated report “Mapping the distribution, abundance and risk assessment of marine birds in the Northwest Atlantic.” NOTE* The Data Basin link takes you to the "Coastal and Marine" gallery, see the "Marine Bird Assessment" folder to view the species data.

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Salinity, Northeast U.S.

Salinity, Northeast U.S.

The presence of salt water is an important determinant of ecological communities. This dataset modifies the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map developed by The Nature Conservancy to denote the presence of salt water or brackish water as follows: -Wetlands and waters classified by the National Wetland Inventory ( as "marine", plus additional ocean waters to a distance from the coast of 10 km, are considered salt water and assigned a value of "1" -Wetlands and waters classified by the National Wetland Inventory as "upper estuarine" are considered oligohaline and assigned a value of "0.5" -Wetlands and waters classified by the National Wetland Inventory as "estuarine" are considered brackish and assigned a value of "0.7" -All other areas, both terrestrial and aquatic, are assigned a value of "0"

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