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Training and Online Learning

This section of the Landscape Partnership Portal provides resources for practitioners and landowners alike to gain new skills and advance their work on landscape-level conservation. Through webinars and training, you can learn about science-led conservation techniques, decision-support tools, research applications in the field, and ways to improve working lands in partnership.

Welcome to the LP Learning Network

The Learning Network is designed to help the conservation partners, managers, and landowners access key science information, training courses, resources, and innovative tools, and to train collaboratively to plan their work to deliver on-the-ground conservation to sustain and safeguard valued resources and fulfill trust responsibilities.

Enter the Landscape Partnership Learning Network

Marxan Training

By providing this valuable training, the Landscape Partnership is facilitating the integration of emerging science and decision support tools at multiple scales. Utilizing Marxan, the partners will be able to identify the most effective network of conservation areas throughout the region. This facilitates strategic habitat conservation by ensuring resources are used in the most efficient manner possible to conserve landscapes capable of supporting self-sustaining populations of fish and wildlife.

Enter the Marxan Training