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American Fisheries Society Newsletter April 2022

AFS News: Recovering America's Wildlife Act Nears Floor Vote, Spokane Abstract Extension, Native Fish Need Natural Flows

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Recovering America's Wildlife Act Nears Floor Vote

Last week, the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act was voted out of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee following a significant compromise that provided for an additional $750 million investment in endangered species recovery. This game-changing legislation will allow us to pass on our nation's wildlife heritage to future generations and we’re positioned to get passed. The bill has 32 cosponsors in the Senate and 170+ in the House. Help us champion this historic bill and get it over the finish line. The bill will help at-risk wildlife by giving state and tribal wildlife agencies the resources they need to take collaborative conservation actions early, before a species nears the brink of extinction. Contact your Senators and Representatives today and ask them to bring this bill to the floor for a vote.


Spokane Abstract Submission Extended until April 20

Abstract submission for symposia and contributed paper sessions for the 152nd Annual Meeting in Spokane this August has been extended until April 20.

JASM Hotel Room Blocks End Soon

Hotel room blocks for the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting end on April 20—reserve your room now while great choices are still available! Other JASM updates:

Science Policy and Communication Opportunity at JASM

AFS works with its eight partner societies in the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS; on a variety of issues related to environmental and aquatic policy. In order to equip the societies and its members to more effectively engage in policy and communication with lawmakers and decision-makers, AFS is hosting a science communication and policy training for all of the societies on Sunday, May 15, for half a day beginning at 8:30 am in person in Grand Rapids.

We are looking for up to three AFS members of any career stage who will be attending JASM in person to take part in the session. The expectation is that moving forward the participants would also be interested in getting involved with CASS's future policy and outreach efforts. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this Google form.