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AFS Newsletter December 2023

Hutton Applications Open, WOTUS Call to Action, Angling for Blue Catfish with Sonar


Hutton Student Applications for Summer 2024 Now Open

Student applications are now open for the 2024 Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program. The Hutton Program is an 8-week paid summer internship and mentoring program for high school students, with the goal of stimulating interest in fisheries and aquatic science among groups underrepresented in the profession today. Please note this year's earlier application deadline: January 16, 2024. Interesting in hosting a student this summer? Mentor applications are also open on our website!

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Exhibit Your Art at the World Fisheries Congress

CALLING ALL ARTISTS! #WFC2024 will feature an Artwork Exhibition. All registered World Fisheries Congress attendees are eligible to participate.

Deadline to apply to showcase your art is January 31, 2024.

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Fisheries Assessors Workshop

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) aims to increase awareness of career opportunities in the fisheries assessor space by introducing the Fisheries Conformity Assessors Program (FCAP). Due to the expansion of the current MSC certification program, the expected growth of the In Transition to MSC (ITM) program, and a high percentage of the workforce nearing retirement age, the pool of assessors available to the market is slowly diminishing. A FCAP workshop will be offered free of charge at the World Fisheries Congress in Seattle in March 2024.

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Mark Renewing Your Membership for 2024 Off Your List!

Renew now

The holidays are fast approaching and soon you will have 100 things to do; renew today and mark renewing your AFS membership off your list! If you are a fisheries professional or aspiring to be one, AFS is the society dedicated to your profession and career. Renewals provide the support we need to provide the resources and tools that help our members CONNECT, ADVANCE, and SAVE!

NEW FOR 2024:

The default option for Fisheries is now digital-only, so you must opt in when you renew your membership if you want to continue to receive a printed copy in the mail. For additional guidance, click here for a video tutorial and more information regarding membership renewal for 2024. For questions or assistance, contact the Membership Team at

Update Your AFS Profile: New Demographics!

Renewal time is a great opportunity to review your contact information and make any changes. Additionally, we've added new demographic questions to help us get to know our members better so that we can tailor programs to fit all members' needs! Simply log in to your account to make any changes to your profile or demographics. Click here for a video tutorial and additional guidance on how to renew your membership and update your profile.

Update profile


Effects of Live-imaging Sonar on Blue Catfish Angler Success, Perception, and Behavior

Angler catch of Blue Catfish was not influenced by live-imaging sonar in this controlled experiment. However, there was evidence that the use of live-imaging sonar influenced angler perception and behavior.

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Diagnosis of Piscine Francisellosis in Largemouth Bass from a Public Display Exhibit in North-central Florida, USA

Largemouth Bass are the most popular Florida freshwater sport fish and are also commonly raised in hatcheries and displayed in public aquaria. Disease can threaten the health and longevity of both wild and managed fish populations, making it important to identify infectious and emerging diseases, including those caused by bacteria. The discovery of new diseases in Largemouth Bass can illuminate opportunities for improved management and husbandry practices pertaining to this species.

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Waters of the United States: An Urgent Call for Action by Fisheries and Aquatic Science Professionals

On 25 May 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Sackett vs. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the latest salvo in the sad saga about defining "waters of the United States," a statutory term delimiting the federal scope of the Clean Water Act. The Court held that a wetland is protected by the CWA only if it adjoins a larger water body, such as a navigable water.

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Inadvertent Hatchery Rainbow Trout Discovered in Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat: A Cautionary Tale

Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi have decreased by 90% across their historic range; however, the Flathead River in Montana is a rangewide stronghold for these imperiled fish. The primary threat to Westslope Cutthroat Trout is hybridization with invasive Rainbow Trout O. mykiss, which leads to hybrid swarm formation and genomic extinction.

Open access


AFS Meetings Program Manager Rachel Bruce Honored with Award

AFS Meetings Program Manager Rachel Bruce has been named by the Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) as one of their "20 in Their Twenties" for 2024. PCMA is a professional organization, representing management of business events, conferences and conventions, with more than 8,400 members in 37 countries.

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B.A.S.S. Conservation Scholarships

Two fisheries scholarships from B.A.S.S. are now open for applications:

  • The 2024 Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship for Females in Fisheries offers two $1,000 scholarships, awarded by the Southern Division American Fisheries Society Black Bass Conservation Committee. Application deadline: April 1, 2024. Apply here.
  • The Bass Fishing Hall of Fame is offering over $15,000 in college scholarships in 2024 for students seeking a degree in a natural resource field with a career goal of becoming a fishery manager. Applications are due April 15, 2024. Apply here.


EVENTS: See upcoming AFS and other fisheries events in our Events Calendar

CAREERS: For the latest JOBS postings from around the U.S. and Canada

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: Visit our searchable Center for Fisheries Technology and Collaboration to find the latest fisheries equipment and technology

OTHER RESOURCES: See also our special websites on Climate Change and Fisheries; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Fisheries; and our Gray Literature Database

Keep up with the latest news, get involved, and build your fisheries career.

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Editors: Beth Beard, Peter Turcik

AFS is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. For more information about donating to AFS, visit