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Addressing Climate-related Uncertainty - new NCTC course

The course will provide participants with a foundation in structured decision making in the context of natural resource management problems addressing climate-related uncertainty. It will also illustrate applications to water resource management, mitigation, and endangered species decisions.
When Feb 11, 2013 09:00 AM US/Eastern to
Feb 15, 2013 05:00 PM US/Eastern
Where Shepardstown, W.V.
Contact Name
Contact Phone 304/876-7361
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The new course "Addressing Climate-related Uncertainty" will be piloted this February 11-15, 2013 at our facility in Shepherdstown, WV.  The course is being designed in partnership with staff and scientists from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.
A key aspect of the training will occur in capstone teams. Before the course, participants will submit a description of a decision that they're facing. It might be a listing decision, FERC relicensing study plan request, recovery or conservation plan, mitigation determination, or another decision that you would like to structure in a way that incorporates climate change effects. If your decision problem is selected, you will ‘own’ it and become the coordinator for that team for training purposes. This will provide context and practice in applying principles of decision analysis to address uncertainty for real-life examples.

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