Evaluating Intraspecific Variation and Environmental Heterogeneity to Identify Seed Sources and Conservation Corridors Online Lecture
The eighth in the Eastern Seed Zone Forum's online lecture and discussion series aimed at providing both information about the creation of seed zones in general and a forum in which professionals, experts, and interested parties discuss the possibility of drafting seed zone guidelines for the eastern United States. Anantha Prasad, USDA Forest Service, will evaluate current and future habitat-fitness and colonization potential of intraspecific genetic zones from inferred evolutionary lineages. He will also illustrate how the colonization of suitable habitats can be modeled opportunistically in the landscape to identify potential future conservation corridors.
About the ESZF
The National Forest System needs your help to develop seed zones for the eastern United States! With the input of forestry and natural resource professionals like you, these seed zones have the potential to provide a common frame of reference for nurseries, arboreta, state and federal agencies resource organizations to address sustainable forest management and ecosystem restoration challenge.