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You are here: Home / News & Events / Events / Southeast CASC Science Seminar: Improving Projections of Societal Responses to Sea Level Rise and Frequent Flooding

Southeast CASC Science Seminar: Improving Projections of Societal Responses to Sea Level Rise and Frequent Flooding

In this talk, we will highlight a framework that permits simultaneously considering scenarios of urban growth, increases in flood hazard due to climate change, and human adaptive response (based on socio-economic vulnerability or ability to cope with flood damage). Specifically, we will focus on scenario-based approaches that allow exploring plausible adaptation strategies (i.e., elevating homes, moving homes, coastal armoring) and consider local adaptive capacity and the non-economic factors that influence a choice.
When Nov 10, 2022
from 11:00 AM US/Eastern to 12:30 PM US/Eastern
Attendees Georgina Sanchez, Ph.D.
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About the speaker: Georgina Sanchez, Ph.D. is a Research Associate with the Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University. Her interdisciplinary approach to research bridges land and climate change science, hydrology, and geospatial analytics to address sustainability challenges. Georgina holds a Ph.D. in Forestry and Environmental Resources from NC State University and a M.S in Biosystems Engineering from Michigan State University.

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