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You are here: Home / News & Events / Events / SECAS Leadership Team Meeting

SECAS Leadership Team Meeting

The purpose of this meeting of the SECAS Leadership Team is to guide and support the continuing accomplishment of the SECAS initiative.
When Mar 22, 2017 09:00 AM EDT to
Mar 23, 2017 03:00 PM EDT
Where Raleigh, NC
Contact Name Cynthia Edwards
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The following meeting goals support fulfillment of the meeting’s purpose:

  1. Prepare the SECAS update for the SEAFWA Spring Director’s meeting April 20-23, 2017 (prep for discussion - briefing material due on March 6th)

  2. Develop a strategy for SECAS participation at SEAFWA  Oct 2017

  3. Adopt an approach to meet continuing coordination needs

  4. Identify a plan of action for broadening engagement by partners in SECAS