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You are here: Home / Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 03-27-2015

Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 03-27-2015

Agenda, webinar, handouts, and notes for the March 2015 Core Team Meeting

Agenda: Core Team Meeting 03-27-2015

Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for March 27th Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting in

Hadley, Massachusetts

March 27th, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held in the 1st floor conference room and auditorium at the US FWS Regional Office in Hadley

Review materials from the January Core Team Meeting

Instructions for accessing mapping website in NALCC Conservation Planning Atlas (DataBasin)

Notes/Summary from Meeting

View recorded webinar of this meeting

TimeAgenda ItemLinks to Related ItemsWebinar Start Time
10:00 Welcome (Nancy McGarigal)
10:05 Update from communications subteam (Dave Eisenhauer)
10:10 Highlights of "decisions summary document" (Scott Schwenk)

View PDF

Download Word version

10:20 LCD product review period; "celebration meeting"' on May 1 (Nancy McGarigal)
10:30 Climate change metrics; influence on core-connector network (Kevin McGarigal) View presentation as PDF
11:00 Discussion/comparison of core-connector networks w/ and w/o climate (Scott Schwenk) View presentation as PDF
12:00 Break
12:15 Presentation on LCD products (Kevin McGarigal)

Word Version

PDF Version (loads in browser)


DataBasin; access to products (BJ Richardson/Renee Vieira)

Available after 2pm for anyone interested in more assistance.

Webinar access information 
Topic: CT River Pilot 
Date: Friday, March 27, 2015 
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm 
Meeting Number: 746 915 129 
Meeting Password: R2dfcTgh* 
To start or join the online meeting 
Go to 
Teleconference information 
Call in Number:  1-866-762-5634 
Leader Passcode: 4958152 
Participant Passcode:  5866227 

Products Documentation - Abstracts (PDF)

PDF version of the products documentation - posted for viewing in the browser. Most recent update: 3/21/2015
PDF version of the products documentation - posted for viewing in the browser. Most recent update: 3/21/2015

Publication Date: 2015

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 12,977 kB (13,289,467 bytes)

Products Documentation - Abstracts (Word)

Word version of the products documentation with active links. Must be downloaded to a personal computer. Updated on 4/1/2015, reflecting decisions made at the March 27 core team meeting.
Word version of the products documentation with active links. Must be downloaded to a personal computer. Updated on 4/1/2015, reflecting decisions made at the March 27 core team meeting.

Publication Date: 2015

DOWNLOAD FILE — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 874 kB (895,373 bytes)

Decision Documentation (updated 03-27-2015)

Mid-depth summary of decisions made throughout the full pilot process
Mid-depth summary of decisions made throughout the full pilot process

Publication Date: 2015

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 513 kB (526,023 bytes)

Presentation: Climate Metrics and Latest Design Drafts

Presentation by Kevin McGarigal. Reviews new climate stressor metrics and how they were incorporated to generate a new core area network design.
Presentation by Kevin McGarigal. Reviews new climate stressor metrics and how they were incorporated to generate a new core area network design.

Publication Date: 2015

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 22,383 kB (22,920,640 bytes)

Presentation: Climate Change in CTR Design

Presentation by Scott Schwenk on Climate Change in the Connecticut River Design
Presentation by Scott Schwenk on Climate Change in the Connecticut River Design

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 954 kB (977,376 bytes)

Decision Documentation (updated 03-27-2015) [Word]

Mid-depth summary of decisions made throughout the full pilot process. Word document for contributing edits via track changes.
Mid-depth summary of decisions made throughout the full pilot process. Word document for contributing edits via track changes.

Publication Date: 2015

DOWNLOAD FILE — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 46 kB (47,580 bytes)

Document: Summary of January Core Team Meeting

Notes and summary of presentations and discussions at the January Core Team meeting.
Notes and summary of presentations and discussions at the January Core Team meeting.

Publication Date: 2015

DOWNLOAD FILE — PDF document, 446 kB (456,938 bytes)

Link to Products Documentation - Abstracts (PDF)

PDF version of the products documentation - posted for viewing in the browser. Hyperlinks work. Most recent update: 4/10/2015

Link to Products Documentation - Abstracts (PDF) - Read More…