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You are here: Home / Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Conservation Planning Atlas

Info on Conservation Planning Atlas

The North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NALCC) Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) is a science-based mapping platform where conservation managers and LCC members can go to view, retrieve, and perform analyses on spatial information with specific conservation goals in mind.

Data can be searched, viewed, and used in analyses. Additionally, you can upload your own data to your account to be used in conjunction with these datasets. The CPA provides a platform for LCCs to create galleries to showcase a cohesive collection of spatial information and supporting documentation. Several galleries are being created and curated. It also allows its users to create groups of members from several organizations who may have the same conservation goals. Within a group, you can perform analyses, upload data, and share information for other group members to use. The CPA was created in an effort to help fulfill the mission of the NALCC and to create a common platform and communication method for the partnership. For more information about projects related to the North Atlantic LCC you may want to visit our Projects page on our main website.

NEW! Use our Quick Start guide to the Core Networks on Databasin.

For questions or comments on the North Atlantic LCC Conservation Planning Atlas please contact Renee Vieira Farnsworth ( or BJ Richardson (

Getting Started

If you don't have one already, sign up for an account with Data Basin (which hosts our atlas)

Instructions for requesting access to the CT Pilot Group [This group still exists, but all of the data is now publicly accessible.]

FAQs (scroll down past videos)

Videos and Webinars

Although not specific to the North Atlantic LCC, several webinars have been created to help orient new users to the Data Basin framework, which our Conservation Planning Atlas uses. They can all be found on the Data Basin videos page

Selected how-to videos

How to Search for Content in Data Basin (how to video)   [4 min]

How to create a Map  [5 min]

How to import a dataset to Data Basin (add your own data)  [5 min]

What is My Workspace? (the CT Pilot group can be accessed from the My Workspace menu) [1 min] 

Selected webinars

Navigating the Data Basin Platform: A Guided Tour (recorded webinar)  [50min]

Dr. Tosha Comendant, Senior Scientist at Conservation Biology Institute, gives an introductory tour to demonstrate multiple ways to explore and create content in Data Basin. Data Basin is an online mapping and analysis platform that supports learning, research, and sustainable environmental stewardship. The tour will include examples of keyword & geographic search functions, mapping, and collaborative tools.

How to Upload Spatial Datasets to Data Basin   [30 min]

In this webinar, Katie O'Connor led a demonstration of how to upload datasets onto Data Basin, from start to finish. This includes shapefiles, rasters, and spreadsheets. The webinar will walk you through formatting the data, styling it, uploading to Data Basin, and adding it to a group or gallery. 

Upcoming Live Streaming Webinars

See the Conservation Biology Institute news & events page (these webinars are not specific to the North Atlantic LCC)