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You are here: Home / Projects / EBTJV / St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia

St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia

The streams of the Saint Mary's Wilderness, located on the slopes of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, have been severely compromised by anthropogenic atmospheric acid deposition. This project will add limestone sand using to the headwater streams of St. Mary's River to enhance over 12 miles of stream for brook trout. (Photo: St. Mary's River, Virginia.)


Photo 2 for St. Mary's River, Virginia

Photo 2 for St. Mary's River, Virginia

Photo of the helicopter working on the St. Mary's project in Virginia after snow.

Helicopter Working in Snow at St. Mary's River in VA

Photo of Helicopter picking up limestone at St. Mary's Project in Virginia

Photo of Helicopter Loading Limestone at St. Mary's Project in Virginia

Photo of Fuel Truck and Helicopter Working on St. Mary's Project in Virginia.  Around 22 inches of snow fell the day before this photo.

Photo of Fuel Truck and Helicopter Working on St. Mary's Project

St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia
Project ID
Filed under: EBTJV Project, Flow