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You are here: Home / Projects / North Atlantic Projects / Coastal Update to the National Wetlands Inventory

Coastal Update to the National Wetlands Inventory

Rapid Update to the National Wetlands Inventory for Selected Areas of Intertidal Wetlands in the North Atlantic LCC

This project completed a rapid update for wetland mapping in 162 coastal areas (1:24,000 topographic quadrangles in ME, MD, MA, NJ, NY, PA, and VA) that were last updated prior to 2000. The updates, which were incorporated into the National Wetland Inventory, have many applications in conservation analysis and coastal planning, including the Designing Sustainable Landscapes project (also funded by the North Atlantic LCC).

This project completed a rapid update for wetland mapping in 162 coastal areas (1:24,000 topographic quadrangles in ME, MD, MA, NY, NJ, PA, and VA) that were last updated prior to 2000. The updates, which were incorporated into the National Wetlands Inventory, have many applications in conservation analysis and coastal planning. The Rapid Coastal Update project was added to the national dataset on 8/29/2014 and was available to view and download via the US FWS Wetlands Mapper on October 1, 2014.

LCC Staff Contact: Scott Schwenk

This project was completed in September 2013. The coastal wetland updates have been provided to the North Atlantic LCC and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for incorporation into the National Wetlands Inventory.

Number of USGS quadrangles updated, by state.

Quarterly Reports

2013 Jan-March Quarterly Report - Rapid Update to Coastal NWI
2013 April-June Quarterly Report - Rapid Update to Coastal NWI
2013 July-Sept Quarterly Report (final) - Rapid Update to Coastal NWI

North Atlantic LCC: $80,989

Product page

Updated quadrangles (GIS Data)

View updated data using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper. Version 2 of the mapper was released in May 2016.

Coastal Update to the National Wetlands Inventory
Project ID NALCC_2012_05
Start Date: February 01, 2013
End Date: August 31, 2013

Product page

Updated quadrangles (GIS Data)

View updated data using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper. Version 2 of the mapper was released in May 2016.