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WLFW Field Perspective: J.B. Daniel
J.B. Daniel presenting at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. J.B. is a grazing specialist with NRCS.
The Economics of Grazing Native Warm Season Grasses: Dr. Pat Keyser
Dr. Pat Keyser speaking at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. Feb 23, 2021. Pat is a professor and the Director of the Center for Native Grassland Management at the University of Tennessee.
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever: The Habitat Organization: Ryan Heiniger
Ryan Heiniger speaking about precision agriculture at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Ryan is the Director of Agriculture and Conservation Innovation at Pheasant Forever/Quail Forever.
Precision Agriculture and Conservation Opportunities: Dr. Mark McConnell
Dr. Mark McConnell presenting at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting on February 23, 2021. Mark is an Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management at Mississippi State University.
History and Trends in Native Grasslands & Savannas of the Midwest and East
Dwayne Estes' opening talk for the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting February 23-24th. Dr. Dwayne Estes is an Associate Professor at Austin Peay State University and is the Executive Director of the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative
Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting, Feb 23rd-24th 2021
Presentations from the 2021 WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Partnership Meeting
The South Carolina Bobwhite Initiative YouTube Channel
Tractors and accidents
From seasonal discing to cutting fire breaks to planting or spraying, a tractor is a staple in bobwhite habitat management. Marion Barnes talks about how to keep this big piece of metal from injuring you.
What exactly is the SC Bobwhite Initiative?
SCDNR biologist Breck Carmichael talks about the history of the SCBI, what it does and how it is working to bring back the whistle in South Carolina.
Cost Share Programs for landowners
Creating bobwhite habitat doesn't have to be expensive. SCDNR biologist Andy Krieg explains the ins and outs of a few cost share programs that are available to help you fund improvements on your property.
Supplemental planting for quail
Food plots can be helpful for bobwhites but only if they're done properly. Marion Barnes of Clemson Extension talks about what to plant, where to plant it and when to put it in the ground to get the most benefits.
Use of fire in quail management
Prescribed fire is the most useful tool in a quail manager's toolbox. SCDNR biologist Dan Peeples discusses the ins and outs of burning, how it benefits quail and other wildlife, and how you can learn to burn on your land.
Managing agricultural land for quail
Cropland used to be synonymous with bobwhite whistles in South Carolina. As Ted Rainwater, Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologist, explains, there a many things a landowner can do to modern agriculture to make it more quail-friendly.
Forest Management for bobwhites
Trees play an important role in the well-being of bobwhites. Michael Hook of the SCDNR talks about how to manage forested land for both bobwhites and dollars.
Native plants and bobwhites
Why are native plants so vital to bobwhites? TJ Savereno of Clemson Extension answers this question and gives a solid introduction to each type of plant and where its value lies. He also covers the proper mix of each type for your property.
Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
Video series from the 2019 Bobwhite Management Seminars
Bobwhite history and biology
Dr. Cory Heaton of Clemson University talks about bobwhite biology and history with a focus on habitat requirements. If you think the bobwhite decline is due to something other than habitat, watch this video.
Forest Management for Northern Bobwhite Quail
In this webinar, Steve Chapman, NBCI Forestry Coordinator, will discuss pine forest management opportunities and practices that can not only help to bring back the bobwhite but also can have an impact on slowing the decline of those numerous songbird, pollinator and other wildlife species.
Native Vegetation Investments Pay Conservation Dividends
Viewers will learn about native vegetation’s applicability to a myriad of conservation practices beyond wildlife uses through an exploration of the supporting scientific research applied throughout the tall grass prairie and southeastern grasslands regions. Topics covered will include soil conservation, water quality, air quality, soil health, forage, biomass and wildlife
Understory Herbicides for Bobwhites and Other Wildlife
Herbicides are an important tool in both forest and wildlife management in the south and particularly in southern pine management. The common practice of heavy chemical site prep prescriptions in forest management may not be appropriate in stands where restoration and wildlife habitat is the objective. The webinar will address herbicide uses in longleaf restoration with a focus on minimizing the impact herbicides have on a healthy and diverse groundcover, including the fine fuels and plants that are beneficial to bobwhite quail, whitetail deer and the wild turkey.
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