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Video ECMAScript program Assessing Regional Connectivity in Current and Future Landscapes
Connectivity among conservation reserves has long been recognized as necessary for long-term persistence of populations and continued evolution in anthropogenically-dominated landscapes.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Assessing Regional Connectivity in Current and Future Landscapes
Connectivity among conservation reserves has long been recognized as necessary for long-term persistence of populations and continued evolution in anthropogenically-dominated landscapes.
Located in News & Events / Events
Organization California Institute of Environmental design & Management (CIEDM)
A private education, research, consultancy and advocacy center, to promote sustainable resilient design and development.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File Climate Change: Future Federal Adaptation Efforts Could Better Support Local Infrastructure Decision Makers
The federal government invests billions of dollars annually in infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, facing increasing risks from climate change. Adaptation—defined as adjustments to natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climate change— can help manage these risks by making infrastructure more resilient. GAO was asked to examine issues related to infrastructure decision making and climate change. This report examines (1) the impacts of climate change on roads and bridges, wastewater systems, and NASA centers; (2) the extent to which climate change is incorporated into infrastructure planning; (3) factors that enabled some decision makers to implement adaptive measures; and (4) federal efforts to address local adaptation needs, as well as potential opportunities for improvement. GAO reviewed climate change assessments; analyzed relevant reports; interviewed stakeholders from professional associations and federal agencies; and visited infrastructure projects and interviewed local decision makers at seven sites where adaptive measures have been implemented.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
Person Curran, Joanna
Located in Expertise Search
Organization text/texmacs Foundation for Sustainable Forests
The Foundation for Sustainable Forests is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit land trust and outreach organization dedicated to protecting the working forests of Pennsylvania, New York and beyond.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Implications of the National Climate Assessment
Join the Security and Sustainability Forum for the second session in the National Climate Assessment series and hear from NCA lead authors and sustainability leaders from local government, higher education, and industry, discussing priorities for addressing destabilizing threats posed by a changing climate.
Located in News & Events / Events
File Land Use and Energy Development in the Appalachian LCC
A brief discussion of primary land uses in the AppLCC.
Located in Resources / / AppLCC Development and Operations Planning / Conservation Challenges in the Appalachian LCC
Person Lee, Danny
Danny is Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC. He lead a diverse team of reearchers working to develop tools and information needed to detect, assess, and predict environmental treats to eastern forests.
Located in Expertise Search
File ECMAScript program Management Capacity - States
Conservation Management capacity residing within State agencies of the AppLCC region.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / AppLCC Development and Operations Planning