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File Presentation of Review of Species and Habitat Selection for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Meeting on 1/14/14
On January 14, Lesley Sneddon of NatureServe presented this webinar to interested conservation and cooperative partners of the Appalachian LCC to present the process for the selection of the 50-75 species and 3-5 habitats proposed for assessment of climate change vulnerability. The selections were informed by the wealth of assessments already completed in all or part of the LCC region to date. The meeting generated good discussion on the process, species, habitats, and possible avenues for future research.
Located in Research / / Workspace / Supporting Materials and Resources
File Alternatives for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report to the Appalachian LCC
How should the Appalachian LCC acquire information about the vulnerability of Appalachian species and habitats to climate change to share with its partners? This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of a seven-member Expert Panel that sought to answer this question identified as a major research priority. The Panel addressed three aspects of the question: the selection of species and habitats to assess, approaches to vulnerability assessment, and the availability of downscaled climate data.
Located in Research / Species and Habitat Vulnerability Assessments of Appalachian Species and Habitats
Project Climate Simulations for Southeast and Appalachians
A DOI Southeast Climate Science Center funded research project will be evaluating the latest generation of global climate models to generate scenarios of future change to climate, hydrology, and vegetation for the Southeastern U.S. as well as the entire range of the Appalachian LCC.
Located in Research
Project application/x-troff-ms Riparian Restoration to Promote Climate Change Resilience in Eastern U.S. Streams
Provision of shade via riparian restoration is a well-established management adaptation strategy to mitigate against temperature increases in streams. Effective use of this strategy depends upon accurately identifying vulnerable, unforested riparian areas in priority coldwater stream habitats. An innovative riparian planting and restoration decision support tool is now available to the conservation community. This user-friendly tool allows managers and decision-makers to rapidly identify and prioritize areas along the banks of rivers, streams, and lakes for restoration, making these ecosystems more resilient to disturbance and future changes in climate.
Located in Research / Riparian Restoration
Project ECMAScript program Assessing climate-sensitive ecosystems in the southeastern United States
The southeastern U.S. contains a unique diversity of ecosystems that provide important benefits, including habitat for wildlife and plants, water quality, and recreation opportunities. As climate changes, a better understanding of how our ecosystems will be affected is vital for identifying strategies to protect these ecosystems. While information on climate change affects exists for some ecosystems and some places, a synthesis of this information for key ecosystems across the entire Southeast will enable regional decision-makers, including the LCCs, to prioritize current efforts and plan future research and monitoring.
Located in Research
Project ECMAScript program Synthesis of climate model downscaling products for the southeastern United States
Downscaling translates large-scale climate information to the local scale. There are several techniques for handling this process; recently, several downscaled climate products have been produced by government and academic researchers. Ecologists, conservation scientists, and practitioners require such local guidance to evaluate adaptation and conservation strategies. However, the large number of methods involved, different downscaling approaches, resolutions, time periods, and focal variables limits the ability of these users to form meaningful conclusions and evaluate the results of adaptation strategies. To address these issues, this project will summarize the methods used for downscaling, identify the metrics most appropriate for evaluation of climate model skill and usability for the ecological and conservation communities in the southeastern US, and begin a longer-term effort to evaluate the range of downscaled climate products over this geographic region.
Located in Research
Project Evaluating Effect of Climate Change on River Flows in the Clinch River Basin
A new project by the U.S. Geological Survey is evaluating the potential cascading effects to river flows and quality aquatic habitat due to changes in climate within an ecologically important area of the Appalachian LCC. A greater understanding of likely flow changes within the Virginia portion of the Clinch River Basin will allow managers to better respond to alterations and degradation of physical habitat. Information and results from this study will also provide managers with methods to be applied throughout the Appalachian LCC region. (Photo by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries)
Located in Research
Organization Salisbury University
Salisbury University is home to inspired students and educators. Setting success in motion is what we do. We are the place where "tomorrow" begins.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Video Fire and a Changing Climate - Fueling Collaboration
Webinar from the Fueling Collaboration Series. Jenifer Bunty (Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists/Clemson University) moderates a panel of fire professionals and climate change specialists. They discuss how to incorporate climate change predictions/models into forest and fire management and give updates on the latest fire science and climate change research.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials