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You are here: Home / Research / Climate Simulations for Southeast and Appalachians

Climate Simulations for Southeast and Appalachians

A DOI Southeast Climate Science Center funded research project will be evaluating the latest generation of global climate models to generate scenarios of future change to climate, hydrology, and vegetation for the Southeastern U.S. as well as the entire range of the Appalachian LCC.

A wide range of planning activities, scientific research, and decision support tools now require some representation of future climate, hydrology, and vegetation. But the Mid-Atlantic and mountainous region of the Appalachians is not well modeled in global climate models. By using the best available models to date and discerning likely climate scenarios within the region, deliverables from this project will provide resource managers with a greater understanding of likely future changes to climate and associated impacts in the Appalachians.

DOI Southeast Climate Science Center

Southeast and Appalachian region.
Climate Simulations for Southeast and Appalachians
Project ID
Project URL link
Start Date: September 01, 2013
End Date: December 31, 2014
Project Leader:
Other Investigators:
Participating Organizations/Partners
Filed under: Models, Climate Change, Projects