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Planning Training Events

Planning Training Events

For More Information on Event Planning visit the Guide to Collaboration and Communication Tools provided to members of the Landscape Partnership portal, the home of Wildland Fire, and / or click on button to request Event Planning support, free services, and/or your own private workspace for event planning.

In addition, many organizations provide training events for organizational staff, other professionals, landowners, and other audiences. The News and Events page includes a list of upcoming training events around the region. If you are planning a training event, the following resources may be helpful to ensure your event is successful.

  • The Southeast Prescribed Fire Update provides resources for those planning Learn and Burn Workshops and Fire Festivals. These pages include resources used by organizers of past events, webinars on how to effectively host these events, and currently scheduled events in the Southern region.

  • NC State University's Wildland Fire Programming for Extension and Outreach Professionals covers considerations for planning many types of wildland fire programming, including learn and burn workshops, prescribed fire demonstrations, wildfire response drills, and online and classroom programs. The publication also includes a toolkit with templates and planning checklists for hosting learn and burn workshops.

  • Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE) provides resources that help natural resource professionals communicate effectively with landowners and others. Many of those resources are focused on how to effectively design, market, implement, and evaluate outreach programs based on social science research.