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You are here: Home / Training / Online Training Programs and Materials / Fire Leadership for Women: Three 20-Day Training Opportunities in 2023

Fire Leadership for Women: Three 20-Day Training Opportunities in 2023

During the 20-day session, participants will experience 10 - 12 days of hands-on burning in complex situations as wildland urban interface, various fuel types, and will work for several different agencies with unique management objectives.
When Jan 08, 2023 08:00 AM US/Eastern to
Jan 27, 2023 05:00 PM US/Eastern
Where Tallahassee, FL
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Women make up only 10% of the wildland firefighting community.  The National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center (NIPFTC) aims to use prescribed fire as a catalyst to bring women together to become strong and assertive leaders, and to enhance longevity and success for women in wildland fire management. 

During the 20-day session, participants will experience 10 - 12 days of hands-on burning in complex situations as wildland urban interface, various fuel types, and will work for several different agencies with unique management objectives.  Participants will gain up-to-date knowledge on prescribed fire safety, prescribed fire planning, smoke screening tools, monitoring, and current fire policy. They will also learn how prescribed fire practitioners have developed successful programs and public support.

The variety pf field experience, along with the different prescriptions, planning procedures, and techniques of the various agencies, offers and accelerated learning program that will increase the home unit's capacity in fire management leadership. Participant progress will be evident through documenting training assignments and completion of tasks in NWCG position task books.

Dates and Schedule

  • January Session: January 8th-27th, 2023
  • February Session: February 5th-24th, 2023
  • March Session: March 12th-31st, 2023

The schedule consists of an oreintation with presentations covering safety in the Southeast, ignition techniques, fire research, and lessons learned, followed by field trips covering fire planning and implementation, fuels, research and ecology, and wildlife and fire. Burning will occur at at cooperator sites located within the Southeast. Federal, state, and private cooperators may be visited during this timeframe. On the last day, participants will closeout with NIPFTC cadre.

The session includes interaction with active federal and state prescribed fire programs. The selected session start/end point will be Tallahassee, Florida. During the session participants and cadre will move within the geographic region to take advantage of burning windows and programs. This will necessitate changing lodging multiple times during the session.

Cost and Requirements

There is no tuition. All costs for travel, per diem, salary, and overtime will be the responsibility of the sending unit. NIPFTC will provide transportation during the session.

All participants must have watched the video "Using Your Fire Shelter" (NFES-1568). Participants must also arrive with appropriate PPE.

How to Apply

The application deadline for the 2023 sessions is October 15, 2022.

The FLFW application is the same as for anyone applying to attend one of NIPFTC’s 20-day sessions with the addition of a KSA question for those interested in attending one of these three modules. Please take time to give thoughtful consideration towards this question and your answer.

Applications will be going through the Wildland Fire Learning Portal. Click on the following: FLFW Application it will direct you.

If you have an account, login and you will be directed to the “Enrollment Options” screen, click on “Enroll Me” and you will automatically be directed to the application. 

If you don’t have an account, follow the directions for creating one on the Learning Portal Site.  Once you receive notification you have an account, come back to this announcement, and follow the above directions.

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