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Wildfire Collection


The Southeast has a complex fire environment unlike any other in the nation.  While fire has long played a critical role in the landscapes across the Southeast, it is becoming increasingly difficult for agencies, organizations, and landowners to plan for and respond effectively to wildfire, while protecting vulnerable communities and providing for firefighter safety. The Southeast leads the nation in the number of annual wildland fire events.

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The 800-acre Buck Lake Wildfire began in the Buck Lake Conservation Area, Florida on February 21, 2011. Credit: Steve Miller

The 800-acre Buck Lake Wildfire began in the Buck Lake Conservation Area, Florida on February 21, 2011. Credit: Steve Miller


The Southeast has a complex fire environment unlike any other in the nation. While fire has long played a critical role in the landscape and ecosystems across the Southeast, it is becoming increasingly difficult for agencies, organizations, and landowners to plan for and respond effectively to wildfire, while protecting vulnerable communities and providing for firefighter safety.

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Risk Assessment

Assessing wildfire risk is important for natural resource managers, communities, and others with an interest in mitigating that risk. Wildfire risk assessment allows stakeholders to coordinate risk reduction projects, including prescribed fire, and to work with each other to better prepare for wildfires.

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Public Safety

Public safety during and after a wildfire can be challenging, particularly as many people are separated from their usual forms of communication. These resources can help you not only communicate necessary information to the public, but do so in a way that will be useful to them.

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Community Preparation and Response

Communities play a crucial role in wildfire preparedness and response. While professionals and practitioners can help communities prepare and respond to wildfires, community members ultimately decide what actions they are willing and able to take. Community members are often the best ambassadors of wildfire messaging and these resources will be helpful not only to professionals working to educate and assist communities in wildfire resilience, but to community members doing the same work.

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Wildfire Recovery

Recovering from a wildfire can be financially and emotionally complex, particularly if the wildfire was catastrophic and caused significant damage. Research has also shown that already vulnerable groups, such as racial and ethnic minorities, are significantly more vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters, including wildfire, leaving them more in need of assistance.

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Wildfire Resources

Files pertaining to wildfire.

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