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You are here: Home / Projects / Assessment and Restoration of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout

Assessment and Restoration of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout

This project will complete an assessment of brook trout in-stream habitat, water quality, and fish distribution information in all Jocassee Gorges streams during the first two years of the project.

During the third year, we will conduct restoration on at least two of the top priority streams identified for restoration. Restoration will likely consist of restoring habitat using proven natural channel design techniques, removal of excessive sediments, removal of non-natives, and culminating with translocation of pure southern Appalachian brook trout from nearby streams. This will restore an estimated 2-3 Jocassee Gorges streams totaling 8 miles.

Jocassee Gorges, South Carolina
Assessment and Restoration of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout
Project ID
Start Date: January 01, 2009
Project Leader:

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