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Hawaii Island Wildfire Mitigation and Support

Hawaii Island Wildfire Mitigation and Support

This project makes long-lasting investments to prevent the loss of Hawaii's most intact native forests from fire.

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Libby Surround Stewardship

Libby Surround Stewardship

The Libby Surround Stewardship Project will treat hazardous fuels on 4,605 acres of land surrounding Libby, Montana.

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Fire Adapted Bitterroot (FAB)

Fire Adapted Bitterroot (FAB)

Fire Adapted Bitterroot (FAB) seeks to address forest health and wildfire risk in three main areas of Ravalli County in Western Montana. This proposal will actively treat fuels on 1,350 acres on the east side of the valley in year 1 (2022), 3,250 acres in the southern valley in year 2 (2023), and 4,000 acres on the west side of the main valley in year 3 (2024).

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Santa Rosa-Paradise Restoration

Santa Rosa-Paradise Restoration

The Santa Rosa-Paradise landscape is a priority landscape under Nevada Division of Forestry's (NDF) Forest, Range and Watershed Action Plan.

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Northern Arizona Habitat Restoration and Wildfire Risk Reduction

Northern Arizona Habitat Restoration and Wildfire Risk Reduction

The Northern Arizona Habitat Restoration and Wildfire Risk Reduction Partnership Project would mechanically treat woody species, implement prescribed burning, develop new wildlife watering facilities, and develop education and outreach to improve habitat for large game and grassland obligate species, reduce fire risk to rural communities and Grand Canyon National Park, promote groundwater recharge, and build community understanding of and support for grassland restoration activities.

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